Artificial Grass New York NY
Artificial Grass New York NY
Serving New York NY

Artificial Grass New York, NY

The first day of school for New York sports players will be an adventure because of their newly installed artificial grass sports fields. This year's New York high will have less of players injuries and more of winning games. Nevertheless, many of parents and directors question if synthetic turf was a right solution to go by and how does it impact health and environment. Many are questioning the benefits of having a synthetic turf in New York City. Couple of years back, the New York City Park's players noticed the deterioration of the field. "It's been like this for five years," a player points out the problem and the open seams, torn patches and wavy folds in the artificial turf at their park. Referees for public school league games already boycott two artificial-turf fields' games, citing fears of liability. The New York is noticing these problems and working on the artificial field upgrade. However, the reasons behind city's replacement plan to artificial grass are obesity, maintenance and water, which automatically will elevate cost savings on field sustainability. Artificial turf is part of a plan of New York City blueprint for environmentally friendly futures, and to inform their residents is the key to successful installation of artificial grass in the parks.   New York City Parks Department (NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene) uses different kind of synthetic turf depending where it will be used. Most of the synthetic turf fields that they put contain crumb rubber infill along with padding and drainage systems. Other synthetic fields are made of carpet-style materials. According to the New York City, currently, about 136 of the Parks Department's 800 athletic fields are composed of synthetic turf material with 99 crumb rubber infill, 19 alternative material infill, and 16 carpet-styles. There are also 19 small play areas with 15 crumb rubber infill and 4 carpet-style, which are often located within playgrounds, that are made of synthetic turf surfaces. The potential for significant exposure to the chemicals in crumb rubber is very low. Like asphalt, the crumb rubber in synthetic turf fields absorbs heat from the sun and gets hotter than dirt or natural grass. On hot days, some synthetic turf fields may be too hot to play on. To protect yourself from the heat, consume plenty of water, wear light and loose fitting clothes, always wear shoes, and take breaks often. A synthetic turf field does not cause bacterial infections. Majority of bacterial infections are caused due to physical contact and sharing contaminated towels, sports equipment and sports drinks bottles. New York coaches at schools and everywhere in states should be aware of the potential bacterial transmission and infection among athletes. The NYC Department is currently working on using carpet-style and alternative infill material on all new fields, replacing NYC parks with new synthetic turf field and placing strict protocols to select the best synthetic turf. Confident of what New York City is doing for its community, Notre Dame High are renovated their Brewer Memorial Stadium with artificial turf instead of grass, installed a new track, new bleachers and a new press box, that represents another win for the program. "It was a lot of work, but it's simply beautiful," said high school coach, entering his 33rd season as Crusaders. " One of the nicest facilities I've seen around and certainly in Section 4." After the last finishing touches around the new artificial grass field, the players where satisfied with the comfort and the natural look of the synthetic grass.  To see GST installation images go to our synthetic turf gallery. ...
August 19, 2014   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Turf Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Faux Grass, Faux Grass

Artificial Grass Business Booming In North Texas!

Companies that manufacture or install artificial lawns are experiencing a boom in business, due to the drought-like conditions and watering restrictions in many North Texas cities.

But the synthetic lawns today aren't the same plastic AstroTurf made popular in the 1970s. The products on the market now, are not just used for putting greens and football fields either.

Tim Dvorak, owner of the company Synthetic Grass Pro, and gets calls every day from homeowners inquiring about artificial grass.

"I discussed this with many turf manufacturers, that's a big thing they notice. As soon as there are drought restrictions, watering restrictions, or an ordinance like the City of Dallas two-days a week restriction, it really just makes this industry explode," said Dvorak.

Today's synthetic lawns are made to stay cool underfoot, drain water well, and last for 10-15 years. The products come in different shades of green, different textures, and mimic different varieties of natural grass. Choosing artificial can be expensive upfront: prices range from $7.50 to $15 a square foot.


Many homeowners with artificial grass installed in their yards feel that the investment was worth it.

"The initial cost is expensive, but it's already paid for itself over the four years. Not having to re-sod it, not having to water. The yard guys[come less often]. So it's more than paid for itself," said Dvorak.

Many homeowners can be skeptical at the beginning, until they see the fake grass first-hand. 

Not all cities in North Texas are on board with artificial grass, though.

Frisco does not allow artificial turf at this time, and many homeowners' associations have rules.

Highland Park passed an ordinance restricting artificial turf to back yards.

Other cities, however, have no rules in place limiting synthetic grass. Those cities include Dallas, Arlington, Denton, and University Park.

July 31, 2014   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Artificial Turf Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn And Landscape, Lawn And Landscape, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Cat Grass, Pet Grass, Pet Grass, Drought Tolerant Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Paver Patio, Paver Patio, Putting Greens, Putting Greens, Playground, Playground, Backyard, Backyard, Drainage, Drainage, Artificial Grass Installation, Artificial Grass Installation

California drought worsening: New water restrictions carry penalty of up to $500

As California imposed its first-ever statewide rules to punish water wasters, a new survey showed why state officials say the drastic measures are needed: Californians actually increased their water use amid the worst drought in decades.

The new rules, approved by the State Water Resources Control Board on a 4-0 vote, impose new restrictions on outdoor water use starting Aug. 1 that could result in fines of up to $500 per violation.

Gov. Jerry Brown in January asked Californians to slash their water use by 20 percent. But a new state survey released Tuesday showed that water use in May rose by 1 percent this year, compared with a 2011-2013 May average.

The survey of 267 water providers by the water board found that water consumption in the Bay Area dropped 5 percent. But in coastal California, south of Santa Barbara, consumption rose 8 percent.

"California is in the worst drought we've seen in our grandparents' generation or beyond," said Felicia Marcus, the water board's chairwoman. "Fields are going fallow. Thousands of people are going to be out of work. There are communities that are out of water -- they're bathing out of buckets and water trucks are coming in to help them.

"But many parts of California don't seem to realize how bad it is," she said, "because they are so far away from their source of water. We are all in this together, and this is not a time to waste water."

The new rules ban washing cars without a nozzle on a hose; watering driveways or sidewalks; using potable water in ornamental fountains; and over-watering landscaping so that water runs off into roads and adjacent properties. Recycled water is exempt.

Under the new statewide rules, any agency that does not impose mandatory conservation measures could be subject to state fines of up to $10,000 a day. But it remained unclear Tuesday whether local agencies will be able to keep in place rules that don't include enforcement or penalties.


More than 60 percent of a regular residential home's water usage goes to lawns, in order to fight the drought effectively, changing real lawns to artificial grass or other low water requiring plantation becomes almost imminent. Synthetic grass company,Global Syn-Turf, Inc. offers more than 50 different type of artificial grass products with distribution centers throughout California: From Sacramento to Fresno to San Francisco Bay Area to Greater Los Angeles, you will be able to find their wonderful product to fit your preference.

July 30, 2014   |   Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Eco Friendly Products, Eco Friendly Products, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Cat Grass, Cat Grass, Outdoor Carpet, Seams, Outdoor Carpet, Seams, Water Facts, Water Facts, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Gardeners, Gardeners, Artificial Grass Installation, Artificial Grass Installation

Florida and Phoenix Jump Head First into the Amazing World of Synthetic Grass!

From Florida to Phoenix fake turf  decor is "all-the-rage"!  If you have been thinking of redecorating why not start off with small accents! Immerse yourself into a creative project...  Searching for the right idea?  Look no further... synthetic turf to the rescue! There are so many practical applications for synthetic turf we thought that maybe you would be interested in a few unconventional applications designed to get your creative juices flowing!! We all know that a fake sod is perfect for ground cover, but artificial grass can be a beautiful accent to just about any new project you may have in mind.  From patios to walls, let this be your reminder that everything does not always have to stem from its practical or "standard" use.   

1. Patio or deck areas:  This one is a great example!  Create a tranquil sanctuary every time you enter your back yard by using fake grass as accent pieces designed to inspire and sooth.  These additions are a great and inexpensive way to jazz up your humdrum outdoor areas.  Start by using the gorgeous stuff as a cushion cover or maybe a stool to begin, and before you know it, your back yard will be a place where everyone will want to gather and contemplate their creative aspirations. 

2.  Indoor applications:  Do you have a small area in your home that needs a boost?  How about applying synthetic sod to bring it to life?  Start by cutting an important piece big enough for one of the primary walls.  Use heavy duty spray glue to attach and kick up your heals, the synthetic stuff will almost immediately begin its inspirational song with its calm and peaceful look and feel.

3.  Unconventional floor is covering:  Spice things up with a splash of texture and style.  Cut a remnant of artificial grass to create a rug, or maybe a recover your wooden baseboards.  The is a quick, easy tip to create an awe-inspiring dream for nature lovers.

and finally

4.  Get wild!!  From cars to cup holders the options are limitless.  Let your inner voice tell you what needs synthetic grass to bring it to life.  You will be surprised by what you can come up with.

When when your "Picasso" is complete...don't forget about us!  Send us a photo of your MASTERPIECE!  We can't wait to see what you come up with!

July 23, 2014   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Outdoor Carpet, Outdoor Carpet

High School - New Turf Sports Fields

Even though it "feels like"  we were hunting aster eggs a few days ago, our favorite season is almost upon us...  FOOTBALL SEASON!!! Whether  you favor the professional teams or maybe college sports is your thing, to matter where you are you can almost smell and feel the energy brewing!  Now take that feeling and multiply it by 1000.This must be what it is like for the 60+ High Schools across the United States that will be playing their first home game on a new field of synthetic turf.  The list of schools is a "Who's-Who's"  of high school sports and the number of teams is growing by the day! When I sat down to write this blog I soon discovered that it would be an easier task to list those who "DID NOT" install a new athletic sports field this year. And I will add that those schools on the "DID NOT" list were only there  because they are waiting for their own installation of artificial grass to begin!

Like I stated, the list of educational institutions is vast, however states like Oregon, Louisiana,California, and West Virginia are but a few of the schools we will be hearing about for the next several months.  Keeping in mind this list only refers to the High Schools using the amazing new playing surface.  There are countless Universities and other venues popping up every single day!  The schools that will have their first pitch, first touchdown, or first point on fake will witness first hand what an impeccable and refined surface they are playing on. A field that was tailor made to fit the needs of an athlete of any kind. There is only on question that comes to mind...what will you do with all of your "newly acquired"  spare time?  Time that you used to spend cleaning up muddy footprints. Well?  I guess, lets go warm up the grill!

Say hello to A FEW of the schools and teams that will enjoy their first game on new modern turf that was designed with the player in mind...

Mountaineer Stadium, TX

University of Idaho, ID

Oregon University

Nolan Catholic, TX

Boys Latin, Maryland

Washington High School, Washington

DePew, High School, IN

Pomona Unified, Pomona, CA

Ouachita Christian, Monroe, LA

Jupiter High School, Palm Beach, FL

July 22, 2014   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Artificial Lawn, Artificial Lawn, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Grass Installation, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Synthetic Turf Supplier, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Landscaping Business, Landscaping Business, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Sports Turf, Sports Turf, Football Field, Football Field, Sports Athority, Sports Athority, Stadium, Stadium, Artificial Grass Installation, Artificial Grass Installation

Another day, another win for "fake grass"

Chalk up another win for synthetic grass!!!

It is always wonderful to log in the morning and find great and interesting news in the in synthetic turf industry! This morning has proven to be one of those days as well. 

As of yesterday it has been decided that the new playing surface for the newly renovated University of Kentucky stadium scheduled to be completed in 2015 will be..."Drum roll please..." You guessed it, ARTIFICAL GRASS! According to the Lexington Herald, Coach Mark Stoops confirmed Thursday of, "Kentucky's plan to move to a synthetic playing surface at Commonwealth Stadium when the renovations are completed for the 2015 season." 

All of you manufacturers, retailers, installers, and supporters need to give yourselves a much deserved pat on the back! As well as another feather in your caps!

The era of "fake grass" has finally has done what others never expected...the industry has changed the once negative connotation that fake or artificial meant something negative. It appears that fake grass is now the WAVE OF THE FUTURE!!!! Go, Go Plastic Turf! ...
July 18, 2014   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Faux Grass, Faux Grass, Golf Course, Golf Course, Golf Course, Golf Course, Sports Turf, Sports Turf, High School Sports, High School Sports, Stadium, Stadium
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